Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Dr. Kane is contracted with several insurance plans in Indiana including Medicaid and Medicare. In states other than Indiana, Dr. Kane provides counseling and consulting for cash paying clients.
Dr. Kane will meet with you to discuss your issues, learn pertinent background information, and develop a treatment plan based on your unique goals.
Fees for services with Dr. Kane:
Initial Intake Appointment (75 minutes): $250
Individual session (45 minutes): $160
Individual session (60 minutes): $210
Family or couples session (60 minutes): $250
There is a 10% discount when at least three appointments are paid in advance.
These terms get confusing because nothing regulates the use of these terms on social media and the internet. Some states differ in what terms they use, but these are pretty standard.
Looking for the term "Licensed" instead of "Certified" is key. Only being "Certified" without also being licensed is a BIG RED FLAG. In some states, unlicensed people have to specify this on any social media, websites, and advertising.
Dr. Kane is a Psychologist which means she completed a doctorate degree in psychology, 4 internships, a residency, and years of supervised practice before obtaining licensure. Psychologists have Doctoral degrees.
A "Therapist" or "Social Worker" is a practitioner with a Master's degree and a STATE issued LICENSE as a mental health provider or social worker. They typically provide mental health services and community resources.
A "Counselor" typically has a Bachelor's degree. They typically provide skills-based support and behavioral interventions. In some states Counselors are required to have a Master's degrees and are allowed to provide mental health therapy services. As I said, these terms get confusing.
A "Coach" can really be anyone for any reason. That means you need to make sure to do the research to see where their education and experience is. Because nothing regulates "Coaches," they don't have to prove any education or experience. There a ton of great coaches out there for all types of things... but not Mental Health.
Be on the lookout for "Certifications" that aren't regulated by a State licensing board. This often means the person paid money, took a course online, and received some "credentials," aka letters after their name. They are not authorized to provide any kind of mental health treatment, no matter what words are contained in their credentials.
People who call themselves "trauma-informed coaches" or similar names are very common on social media. BUT, if they do not also have a mental health degree, they are absolutely not appropriately trained to help others with trauma or any other mental health issue. There are no shortcuts in providing competent treatment. Dr. Kane sees many clients gravely harmed by "Trauma-Informed Coaches" who open up and bring out all traumatic experiences with no knowledge of how to contain it.